Information requirements according to § 5 E-Commerce Law (ECG) and § 14 UGB (Austrian Enterprise Code), disclosure requirement according to § 25 MedienG (Media Law)
rfu research GmbH
Loquaiplatz 13/10
A-1060 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: +43 (0) 1 796 9999 0
FN 605354 b Handelsgericht Wien (Companies‘ Register at the Commercial Court Vienna)
UID: AT U79571526
Member of Vienna Chamber of Commerce, section Business Consulting and Information Technology
Authority relating to ECG: Magistratisches Bezirksamt des VI. Bezirks
Applicable legislation accessible via:
Business Purpose:
Business consulting, sustainability consulting and sustainability rating of companies and corporations
Basic direction of the publication: The website and an irregularly published newsletter are communications media and are aimed at clients and other people interested in sustainable investment. Topics are presenting rfu as well as issues relevant to sustainability.
Managing Directors: Mag. Reinhard Friesenbichler, Mag. Catherine Cziharz
Prokura (commercial power of attorney): Ariane Kober, MSc
Shareholders: Mag. Reinhard Friesenbichler (80%), Mag. Catherine Cziharz (10%), Ariane Kober, MSc (10%).
The website and the content provided was prepared with diligence. They are solely intended for general information. rfu assumes no liability for the information being accurate, up-to-date or correct. rfu assumes no liability for any links to external websites.
Illustrations by Magdalena Prieler