Sustainability Research
rfu’s Sustainability Analyses and Ratings are the basis for investment decisions made by our institutional customers. Following a joint definition of a basic universe, the rfu is providing a universe checked for sustainability and quarterly updated. This universe has the investment rules of the portfolio (in the form of exclusion criteria, minimum ratings or label requirements that have to be met) already implemented. For each issuer in the universe detailed sustainability information (ratings, scores and sub-scores) as well as technical specifications (LEI-Codes, assignable issuers, sectors etc) is provided.
rfu Rating Model
Depending on asset class or issuer category we produce analyses and ratings based on the rfu’s Sustainability Model for Companies, Sovereigns and Commodities.
The research coverage in the category companies (including financials, supranationals and agencies) was developed bottom-up from specific requirements of our customers. The universe for shares and bonds is very much in line with typical institutional portfolios in the low to medium risk category. Non-included ratings can be added continually on request. In connection with Private Equity und Private Debt Investments or the choice of suppliers, rfu is also producing sustainability analyses for smaller and medium-sized companies.
The research coverage for sovereigns comprises around 170 countries and thus effectively the whole world. Additionally we are offering specific sustainability ratings for sub-sovereigns (provinces/states, larger cities). In the area of commodities ratings for all important commodities in the categories metals, energy, agricultural, forestry and carbon allowances are available. In total, several hundred regions and cities around the world are being assessed.
In the area of commodities ratings for all important commodities in the categories metals, energy, agricultural, forestry and carbon allowances are available. In total, the coverage comprises around 60 products.